Human Body Systems Web Quest


The Human Body is very complex.  The Human Body, a  multicellular organism, is composed of several levels of organization that include cellstissuesorgans and organ systems.  Each smaller level combines together to make the next level.  Cells are the building blocks of all living things.  A tissue is a group of similar cells that perform the same function.  Organs are groups of different tissues with a specific function.  Finally, organ systems are groups of organs that work together to perform a specific job.  The Human Body is made up of many systems that work together to perform complex tasks on a daily basis.


You have been a long time employee of  the Human Body Corporation.  You feel that your job is very important to the Human Body.  As an organ system within the Human Body, you have been carrying out a specific tasks day in and day out in order to keep the Human Body functioning.  Due to recent budget cuts, the Human Body Corporation is considering having to fire workers.  You hope your job is not in jeopardy! You received the following letter yesterday:

Ima Cell

Chief Executive Officer

Human Body Corporation

107 Bright Street

Jersey City, NJ 07302

May 1, 2016


Dear Faithful Employee of the Human Body Corporation:

It is with sincere regret that I must inform you that your employment as an organ of the Human Body Corporation is on the verge of termination.  Due to recent cost increases, the corporation’s financial manager is considering firing of one of the human body organ systems.

In order to decide which body organ system will be eliminated, the Executive Board of the Human Body Corporation will allow the employees and managers to research the organ system and present the results as an iMovie Presentation to the CEO and convince her of his/her importance to the body in keeping the Human Body Corporation running smoothly.

Good luck – the company’s future “health” depends on you!


Ima Cell

CEO, Human Body Corporation


 Task 1:  Research your Body System

You need to research your organ system in order to prove its importance within the Human Body.  

*Complete this worksheet to make sure you include all the important information about your system!

             Websites for everyone to use for the worksheet:

                         Question 4: Name 2 disorders associated with your system.

                         Question 7: Choose 1 organ from your system to research in depth.



Group 1:Digestive

Check out this video about the Digestive System  

Discover more about your system HERE

Learn more about how your body digests food. 

Take a tour of the digestive system.  Click "Digestive Tract"




Group 2: Respiratory

Check out this video about the Respiratory System!

Discover more about your system HERE

Find out why breathing is so important! 

See if you can label the parts of the respiratory system!




Group 3: Circulatory 

Check out this video about the Circulatory System!

Discover more about your system HERE

Learn about the heart and how it circulates blood! 

Tour the heart! Click on "Human Heart"




Group 4: Skeletal 

Check out this video about the Skeletal System!

Discover more about your system HERE

Learn about the 206 bones in the body! 

Get up close and personal with the human skeleton.  Click on "Skeleton"





Group 5:  Muscular

Check out this video about the Muscular System!

Discover more about your system HERE

Learn how your muscles work.

It's all about the muscles!




Group 6: Nervous

Check out this video about the Nervous System

Discover more about your system

Learn how your brain and nerves work together! 

Take a tour of the huma












Task 2:  Create an iMovie Presentation

Working with your group members, create a short iMovie video that convinces the Human Body Corporation NOT to fire your body system.

Frog Dissection 2016 Photos